In “Stylus Studio” you can make an ultra-effective procedure of non-injection rejuvenation! Sciton BBL is an American device that has established itself as one of the best means of non-surgical skin rejuvenation in the world!
4 000 UAH
More details
30-60 minutes
Duration of the procedure
4-5 procedures
The BBL system emits powerful light energy of a specific range, which acts on the problem, eliminating it. With hyperpigmentation, the target is melanin, with vascular pathologies, hemoglobin, and with wrinkles, collagen and elastin.
There is a powerful rejuvenation of skin cells, restoration of their structure, the skin acquires a youthful, healthy and radiant appearance. Small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. Redness of the face (rosacea), spider veins are eliminated. Hyperpigmentation is removed, the skin is lightened by several tones.
The rehabilitation period is usually easy and quick and does not require any special care. After the Forever Young photorejuvenation procedure, redness appears, which can disappear within a few hours. In the morning, there may be slight swelling, which quickly disappears. For several days the skin will be very sensitive to ultraviolet light, therefore direct sun exposure should be avoided and creams with a high degree of UV protection should be used.
We only have certified original equipment Our cosmetologists have specialized medical education and perform the procedure safely and as efficiently as possible.
We are waiting for you every day from 8:00 to 20:00 at the Stylus Studio laser cosmetology centers. Call the phone numbers indicated in the contacts or leave your number in a special form on the site.
Who is this procedure for?
- Women from 18 years old - Men over 18 years old
Duration of the procedure:
20-30 minutes
photoaging of the skin of the face and body: age spots (solar lentigo, freckles, etc.), pathologically dilated vessels (rosacea, rosacea), fine mesh wrinkles; enlarged pores; acne; reduced skin turgor; prevention of chrono aging.
pregnancy and lactation; reception of photosensitizers; fresh tan; infectious skin diseases in the acute stage; common severe somatic diseases.
You can get more information on the full list of prices for all our services (rejuvenation, facial cosmetology, laser hair removal, etc.) in our price list