In "Stylus Studio" you can make unique non-injection rejuvenating procedures from the French cosmetic brand MARY COHR using the Catio Vital Lift apparatus.

In "Stylus Studio" you can make unique non-injection rejuvenating procedures from the French cosmetic brand MARY COHR using the Catio Vital Lift apparatus.

Stylus Studio works only with the best professional cosmetic brands recognized all over the world! One of these cosmetic brands is the French Mary Cohr cosmetics. We bring to your attention the Eye Repair procedure - "Revival of youth" around the eyes.
SMAS lifting is a deep facelift at the muscle level without surgery. The lifting is carried out due to the concentration of ultrasonic waves in the deep muscle layer. The impact site heats up and instantly contracts and tightens. In addition, collagen production is triggered for long-lasting results. With the Ultera System, you can restore skin elasticity, tighten the facial contours and get rid of flabbiness without surgery!

SMAS lifting is a deep facelift at the muscle level without surgery. The lifting is carried out due to the concentration of ultrasonic waves in the deep muscle layer. The impact site heats up and instantly contracts and tightens. In addition, collagen production is triggered for long-lasting results. With the Ultera System, you can restore skin elasticity, tighten the facial contours and get rid of flabbiness without surgery!
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