Laser Dermatology
The procedure for removing blood vessels using pulses of light. The light energy of BBL is gently and selectively absorbed by hemoglobin - the pigment of the dilated vessels in the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which the vessel sticks together and hides. At the same time, healthy vessels are not damaged.

The procedure for removing blood vessels using pulses of light. The light energy of BBL is gently and selectively absorbed by hemoglobin - the pigment of the dilated vessels in the surface layers of the skin, as a result of which the vessel sticks together and hides. At the same time, healthy vessels are not damaged.

A procedure used to treat acne. The light energy of BBL is absorbed by propionobacteria and kills them, which makes it possible to successfully use the device in the complex treatment of acne.
A modern, safe, painless and effective method of treating nail fungus. The laser beam acts on the fungus both in the nail plate and in the nail bed.

A modern, safe, painless and effective method of treating nail fungus. The laser beam acts on the fungus both in the nail plate and in the nail bed.
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